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We shared Demi’s message and our TDV Awareness and Prevention Outreach Program with over 500 students attending the Brownsville Area High School. Special thanks to Principal Jason Kushak for extending the invitation to us. We can’t thank the student body enough for welcoming and receiving Demi’s message. To our surprise, the Brownsville Area High School students donated $600 to the Demi Brae Cuccia Awareness Organization to help us further our mission. We especially want to thank the young man who, after hearing Dem’s story, made a personal donation to the cause following the presentation.

Our ultimate goal of prevention and intervention is to stop teen dating violence before it begins. During the preteen and teen years, young people are learning the skills they need to form positive, healthy relationships with others. This is an ideal time to promote healthy relationships and prevent patterns of relationship violence that can last into adulthood.!high-school/c1jqv